Hit your Irons PURE! The secret...??? Simple...you need to take Divots!

Pitch it Close!

Get your pitching sorted out...and get your golf scores lower....guaranteed!

Quick and Effective Warm-Up Routine for Golf     

The Driver - Is this the best practice drill ever?

The Ideal "Lock-Down - Home Office" Golf Swing

Swing it like a Baseball Bat - More Driving distance with the Baseball Drill.

Totally Failsafe (and FUN) Putting Drill

On the driving range with 'Master G' and the friendliest golf club in the bag.    

The Friendliest Club in your Golf bag ??

Better Golf Technique...One Handed !!     

Grip, Stance and Posture....when you get these vital parts of your setup correct...you will make a better swing!

How to release the clubhead like the Pros !!

Whoosh your club for more DISTANCE!

The 4 secrets of a Great Golf Swing -  "R - T - B - T" !!

Master G - Stretching Exercises for Golf (Deutsch)     

Magnificent Divots and how to hit them! 2.0

CHIP EVERY GOLF BALL CLOSER !! Lower your golf scores! .... Ross  shows you how!

PGA Golf Professional